Connecting businesses with resources and services designed to meet their
unique needs fuels a vibrant, sustainable, economy.
Through exceptional programs and events, the GBA aims to deliver relevant resources and support. GBA's strategic initiatives involve streamlining program offerings, enhancing networking opportunities, and forming partnerships with organizations like Gaston College Small Business Center and SBTDC. The GBA also prioritizes supporting small businesses, implementing a comprehensive onboarding process for investors, expanding relationships with minority-owned businesses, and evaluating and increasing market penetration rates. Overall, the GBA strives to foster a thriving business community by offering valuable services and fostering collaboration among local entrepreneurs.
Small Business Resources

The Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC) has helped North Carolina businesses grow and create new jobs since 1984. They provide management counseling and educational services to small and mid-sized businesses. Most of their services are free of charge, and all are confidential. By providing entrepreneurs with the tools they need to build and grow successful businesses, the SBTDC positively impacts NC’s economy

Minority & Women Owned Business Resources
Gaston County's Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program advocates actions and strategies, which increase opportunities for historically underutilized businesses and promotes diversity and inclusion in Gaston County construction and repair contracting projects.
Launch Gaston offers business training, support, and affordable resources to underrepresented entrepreneurs
Build Your Business Network
Whether you run a small business or a corporation, having a strong business network is essential to achieve success
The GBA created East & West Chapters to provide geographic networks which provide support, offer
solutions to your problems, and help you discover new opportunities.
Each chapter has been structured to address the unique needs of the its municipalities, including:
• A focus on each individual municipality and its relationships with businesses
• Programs tailored to the specific needs of each chapter
• Complimentary networking events, Business After Hours, Let’s Do Lunch, and various social opportunities
Identify your Chapter below. For more ways to get involved, please contact Steve D'Avria
Bessemer City
Kings Mountain
High Shoals
Mount Holly

Discover Gaston County Business Resources with R.I.S.E. Charlotte Region.
R.I.S.E. is the CLT Alliance Foundation's digital resource hub, empowering entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Charlotte region to better navigate the entrepreneurial ecosystem, connect with other businesses, events and resources.