Gaston County’s Community Support Services (CSS) division is hosting a series of public meetings in August to hear from community members on where they’d like to see Opioid Settlement Funds spent.
As a result of the nationwide opioid settlements, Gaston County will receive approximately $40 million over an 18-year period from the state of North Carolina to address the opioid epidemic. CSS is a division of the Gaston County Department of Health and Human Services with the responsibility for making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners who decide how the opioid settlement funds are spent.
CSS staff will host three public input meetings across Gaston County:
Tues., Aug. 13, 6-8 p.m., Mt. Holly Municipal Complex (400 E. Central Ave., Mt. Holly)
Tues., Aug. 20, 9-11 a.m., First United Methodist Church (190 E. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia)
Thurs., Aug. 29, 1-3 p.m., Cherryville Community Building (106 S. Jacob St., Cherryville)
By the numbers: Gaston County has received more than $8.7 million since it began receiving the funds in fiscal year 2022.
The County has funded nine programs to date, including the Gaston Emergency Medical Services (GEMS) Community Paramedicine Program and Post Overdose Response Team, Recovery Transportation, peer support services, and affordable Medication Assisted Treatment for Gaston County residents.
Statistical data and other information about the County’s opioid funding plan can be found on the Gaston County Opioid Settlement Funds dashboard.
According to Gaston Emergency Medical Services (GEMS), there have been 3,188 reported opioid overdoses from 2021 to 2024 year-to-date, and between 2021 and 2023, approximately 326 of those overdoses were fatal. The data for overdose fatalities for 2024 is not available.
For more information about the public meetings, please email Community Support Services or call the CSS Hotline at 704-862-7843.